
Need to Convert More Mortgage Internet Leads? In 33 Seconds I’ll Prove You’re Missing 1,000s Of Opportunities

February 6th, 2015 by Wade Schlosser on Online Lead Generation 0 Comments

If you’re going after mortgage internet leads I can almost guarantee you’re leaving thousands upon thousands of dollars in profits on the table. Without the information I’m about to share with you every day you open up for business will be  day where you didn’t earn as much as you could.

You likely know it’s true. You know there’s a faster, more efficient way to secure mortgage internet leads and if you’re smart it’s got you frustrated you’re not reaching your true potential.

Well I’ve got some news for you.

Its 2015. Which means it’s time go get out of the kiddie pool and swim with the big boys (it’s not that hard).

Truth is, you’ve got what it takes. You just need a little help to hit your goals and turn your mortgage internet leads into a sale.

Let me start by saying if you haven’t started to integrate web based sales solutions with your sales force you’re “blowing it.”  You already know that, and you’ve likely got some systems in place.

But are they the right ones?

Put plainly, if someone’s expressed interest in one of your mortgage products are you the one they want to do business with?

Truth is if you’re not the first one to contact them and if you’re not there to nurture that lead, you can kiss your sale goodbye.


It’s one of the biggest problems you likely face, and if it’s not corrected you can expect to struggle.

Take a look there’s cold-hard data to back this up. Courtesy Velocify

  • Leads convert 22 times more often when you make contact in 5 minutes
  • 78% of prospects convert with the company that first call them
  • The average lead takes between 5 and 6 attempts to contact
  • Changes in sales process can impact close rates by more than 35%
  • 40% of leads eventually convert with consistent, long term follow-up

The question then becomes are you getting the job done? Are you able to look at those bullet points and confidently say you excel in all of those areas?

You probably aren’t, and that’s OK.

But look at what your competition is doing. Image courtesy Capterra.

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Many are contacting within the hour.

But not as many are contacting them within 5 minutes.

And that my friend is the sweet spot that get put you on the gravy train to incredible earnings.

Your mortgage internet leads need to be contacted within the shortest amount of time possible. From the time they fill out a form to the time when you contact them is the most critical time period in the life of that lead.

Look at the figure below and see how important it is  you get a hold of that mortgage internet lead. Image courtesy Business 2 Community

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The takeaway?  Dominate the game and get ahold of them ASAP.

So how do you make this happen?


Give your sales reps the ability to be the first to touch base with leads and give them tools that allow them to work efficiently and productively. The key to making this happen is incorporating intelligent dialing systems into your workflow.

That’s one of the easiest and most foolproof ways of giving your sales reps the ability to make quick, and meaningful contact with potential customers.

Do this enough and you’ll experience a dramatic uptick in profits, guaranteed.

With intelligent dialing systems no longer will you be leaving money on the table.

Instead your leads will turn into sales and your sales will turn into amazing profits.

But the time to act on this now.

Major shifts in the mortgage industry mean you’ve got to be ready to adapt to the ever changing landscape.

And as 2015 unfolds you’re going to see more and more of your competition turning to these kinds of solutions.

Meaning if you don’t work to optimize customer contact you can count on losing that potential sale to someone else.

Why make a lunch so someone else can eat it?

With an intelligent dialer in place you’ll be able to increase agent productivity, improve how quickly you’re in touch with leads, increase overall call volume, and ultimately increase your profits.


I'm the CEO of Forward Leap Marketing. I love creating and contributing to companies' strategies to invoke raving fan customers that ultimately drive significant bottom line results through targeted web traffic, value-added partnerships, and must have products. Please connect with me on Twitter, Google +, and Linkedin.

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