Are Copywriters That Important For Your Mortgage Business?

When most people think about copywriter, they imagine some guy in an office taking a C and putting it inside of a circle, kind of like this ©. They make the assumption that everything produced in the world is protected, free from being stolen, with the help of a copywriter.
Or, they think of Madison Ave, Mad Men, scotch and cigarettes.
When in fact, nearly every single person that wakes up in America interacts with the work a copywriter does just about all the hours of the day. It’s estimated that we’re exposed to as many as 5,000 ads a day, with nearly all of them having been created by a copywriter.
The Unavoidable Fact, Copywriting Equals Money.
Every business in existence relies on sales to generate revenue. Sales are the most important aspect of growing a business. If you can’t sell your service or product, then you’re out of luck when it comes to making a profit.
For you in the mortgage industry, you depend on bringing in new clients to broker deals with. Most of that is done through face to face interaction, but you only have so much time to spend with potential clients, and not all meetings turn into future deals.
That’s why advertising can help you out substantially when your time to sell is limited by the number of hours in a day.
Where most companies fail miserably, is they attempt to run their advertising and marketing all by themselves.
Which means that there are tons of pilots, doctors, candy makers and mortgage brokers who are investing a great deal of time and energy creating advertisements that just don’t work.
Because a doctor is an expert in medicine, does not qualify them as an expert in advertising.
Because a real estate agent has direct access to a word processor doesn’t mean they should sink $10k into a direct mail campaign.
Advertising copy is best handled by a copywriter…because a copywriter is an expert at crafting sales messages that elicit emotional responses in the form of a credit card coming out of a wallet, or a phone number being dialed.
Since advertising was developed, copywriters have been a necessary part of the equation to crafting perfectly targeted sales advertisements that turn people into customers.
Why Hiring A Freelance Copywriter Is Essential To Business Growth.
If you want to paint the inside of your house you have three options.
You can:
A.) Leave your house the way it is, and snarl at the unsightly colors that surround you.
B.) Attempt to paint it yourself…consuming hours and hours of your time, only to splash paint all over the floor, execute poor trim jobs, and remain frustrated at the lackluster job you did.
C.) Hire a professional painter who will quickly, methodically and professionally transform the inside of your house into the vision that danced inside your head.
And just like house painting, you can go about advertising in the same manner.
One of the most sensible solutions to greatly increasing ROI is to enlist the services of a copywriter. A copywriter has all the tools you need to create compelling advertisements that will help you make more money.
The benefit to hiring a copywriter is that they’re sales professionals that you don’t need to depend on year round. Just one letter written by a copywriter could mail for 2-3 years successfully. One landing page or one series of email auto-responders could give you tremendous results day-in and day-out for months if not years.
And hiring a freelance copywriter gives you the ability to profit at the fraction of the cost of a full-time employee. In our experience, hiring a copywriter to rewrite a space ad that brings in 3x more revenue is a wise investment.
Do You Know What A Copywriter Knows?
Most believe that since they know their market so well, that they should be the primary producer of all advertising and marketing material.
And while I’m never going to argue with someone who thinks that, I think it’s important that someone with that persuasion ask themselves a few questions.
For instance:
- Do you know what the most important part of an advertisement is? Better yet, do you know why?
- What’s the most important item of consideration for a user, or a customer when they’re in the market for your product or service?
- What are the three most important words to you can use in an advertisement?
- Did you know that doing this in an advertisement can reduce favorable response by more than 50%?
Get the picture?
A competent copywriter knows these things, plus much, much more. That’s why we rely on copywriters to create some of our advertising material here at Forward Leap Marketing.
What’s The Most Important Thing To Consider When Hiring A Freelance Copywriter?
Ultimately, it’s numbers.
Can they produce? Have they produced?
See what others are saying about them via testimonials and case studies.
Numbers are important, but so is their ability to execute tasks when you need them, as well as being able to understand what you require of them.
By all means, if you’re dead-set on writing your own copy, take the time to study what copywriting is all about. Using resources like copyblogger or AWAI you can learn the craft in a matter of months.
But, if you want to spend time doing what you do best, I’d advise seeking a professional who knows how to increase email open rates by 86%… or can provide you with a direct-mail piece that lands you a 312% increase in new clients acquired.
So, How Do You Find A Freelance Copywriter To Work With?
One of the best methods for finding a freelance copywriter to help grow your business is to ask others in your industry if they’ve had good experiences with a copywriter.
Searching Google is an option, or hang out around websites like problogger and you can be sure to find some qualified writers.
If you’d like some recommendations… we’ve worked with Adam Lantelme @
P.S. – One note I should make when searching for a copywriter…do your best to avoid Odesk, Elance and similar websites for your important projects. They’re fine for just hiring bloggers and for creating content. But most writers on these sites aren’t proficient at producing emotionally relevant copy that produces profits.
What’s your experience with advertising been like since starting your mortgage business?
Do you plan on hiring a copywriter in the next year? Who do you plan on using for your service?