Two quick things today (getting more mortgage leads)
Wanted to drop a post to you about generating more mortgage leads in your specific states. Overall, there are 4 content assets that you should be creating and distributing for your inbound marketing strategies
- Video
- Graphics/Photo’s
- Presentations
- Text/Articles/eBooks
Below are the 3 top resources for you to get this started. They not only take you step by step, but then help you turn it into ACTUAL customers.
Recommended Video Marketing courses…
- Robert Monaco –
- James Wedmore –
- Danial Safkow –
Mortgage Example of great videos…
If you are looking for more mortgage leads through Google and better conversions on your leads, you should be looking at video. It will help you customers connect with you. It will almost be like they know you before they have ever met you. Don’t be intimidated start small.
To more closed deals!
P.S – Dan has a live event coming up – check it out –